• How will you give back to the ocean this year? Make your ocean promise!

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Netukulimk and the Environment

How does climate change impact us and our environment? In this collection, explore connections between climate change and the ocean and discover the importance of living in balance with nature. Embrace the Mi’kmaw concept of Netukulimk by weaving respect, responsibility, relationship, and reciprocity into all aspects of life. This guides our understanding of how to live in harmony with Wskitqamu (land), and to protect, conserve, and advocate in support of samqwan (water). Visit the Bay of Fundy to learn how natural cycles and tides create an environment that churns up nutrients, feeding an entire food web. Move to the St. Lawrence River to explore how human development has reshaped the shoreline, impacting the habitats of key species such as the sturgeon, and become aware of the efforts to restore natural habitats and protect the ecological balance. Travel to the west coast of Canada to experience a harvest celebration, where reciprocal relationships with keystone species and traditional ecological knowledge help to achieve a balanced approach to sustainability. This collection explores human impacts on the environment, investigates the sources of plastics in our waterways and identifies those who are impacted the most by plastic pollution. Teachers are encouraged to use this collection to teach about environmental stewardship, climate change, and sustainability.

Media Type

  • Video Video
  • Interactive Interactive
  • 360° video 360° video
  • Toolkit Toolkit

This collection of resources was curated by Ocean School in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to support curriculum outcomes for Nova Scotia educators. This collection offers opportunities to explore the impacts of climate change with students. Water is a gift and the global interconnectiveness of the ocean provides the opportunity to learn about relationships from multiple perspectives. These resources serve as travelling companions to help learners better understand that the health and sustainability of the Earth is a shared responsibility. Through these resources and guided by Netukulimk, learners consider how to respond and take action to address climate change. Learn more in the Educator Guide.

In this collection

  • 13 resources
  • Adventure Time 1 h 3 min
  • Activity Time 16 h 30 min

Thanks to


  • Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development